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Each Sunday of October there will be a book in the lobby available for anyone to sign that missed the church’s celebration for Dave’s retirement or didn’t get to sign his card.

Take time to share a thought or story about how Dave impacted your life.



September 24 following Worship

We want to take some time to thank and honour Dave this Sunday, September 24 following our worship service. Everyone is welcome and we would love it if you could come. We will share lunch together and there will be a card available for everyone to sign.

We'd love to compile stories to tell and stories for Dave to reflect on. Please come with a "Dave" story that you would be willing to share - write down a special memory or write a letter of appreciatation. We want to let Dave know how important he has been to this church family.

Please plan to join in. If you would like to assist in some way, please contact Darlene Lucas (